24 Mar
  • By Kathy Burnam
  • Cause in

March 17 2020

Hello Russell,

Hope all is going well with you and the training classes! Since I
completed training, I used my 30 hour training to the fullest extent
within my company. I am now  part of the Safety Committee within my
department and will be attending the Safety Conference being held in
Las Vegas this summer (all expense paid trip for 6 days)! Who knew
that a small addition to my resume could add so much towards my career
goals while also allowing me to rub shoulders with upper management at
the same time. I appreciate the training provided by your organization
and hope to attend the Lean 6 Sigma training soon! My department just
held an all hands on meeting and mentioned incorporating it within our
organization. Most of my peers did not have a clue what that was or
what it meant, but I see it as an opportunity to lead my department in
this initiative!


Sergio G.

Sergio G -